As the leader of the research team ”Eco-social Sustainability and Education” of the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, my research interests address, for example, the following questions:
– How to develop teaching towards ecological, social and economic sustainability at all levels of education?
– What kind of sustainability competencies should education foster?
– How to advance collaborative problem-solving that aims at creating sustainable practices in educational communities and organisations?
– How to assess the reaching of sustainable development goals in education?
– How to strengthen human-nature relationship at different stages of their life?
– How to advance global citizenship and planetary well-being?
– How to develop practical wisdom for sustainability?
Avainsanat: Planetaarinen hyvinvointi. Käytännöllinen viisaus kestävän elämänmuodon tukena. Kestävyyskasvatus. Kestävyysosaaminen. Planetary well-being. Practical wisdom for sustainability. Sustainability education. Sustainability competences.
Jyväskylän yliopisto
hannu.l.t.heikkinen (at)
Heikkinen, H. 2022. Kohti kestävää toivoa. Teoksessa T. Tervasmäki, O.-J. Jokisaari, K. Jurvakainen, J. Kallio, J. Pulkki, P. Takkinen, A. Tammenoksa & J. Varpanen (toim.) Maailma tärkein tehtävä. Esseitä kasvatuksesta, vastuusta ja toivosta. Tampere: niin&näin, 166-174.
Kaukko, M., Kemmis, S., Heikkinen, H., Kiilakoski, T., & Haswell, N. 2021. Learning to survive amidst nested crises: can the coronavirus pandemic help us change educational practices to prepare for the impending eco-crisis? Environmental Education Research, 1 16.
Anastasiadou, E., Moate, J., & Heikkinen, H. 2021. Examining how global citizenship education is prefigured in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Globalisation, Societies and Education, Early online.
Mahon, K., Heikkinen, H., Huttunen, R., Boyle, T. & Sjolie, E. 2020. What is educational praxis? In: K. Mahon, C. Edwards-Groves, S. Francisco, M. Kaukko, S. Kemmis, & K. Petrie (Eds.) Pedagogy, Education and Praxis for Critical Times. Springer, 15-38.
Mahon, K., Heikkinen, H. & Huttunen, R. 2018. Critical educational praxis in university eco-systems: Enablers and constraints. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. doi: 10.1080/14681366.2018.1522663