Turkan Firinci Orman

I have been collaborating with Tampere University EDU for multiple research projects and until recently have been working at Aalto University as a project manager for an educational project namely ”Aalto Radical Creativity MOOC”.

My research interests lie at the intersection of childhood and youth studies, participatory research methodologies, and critical citizenship education. Drawing on over fifteen years of combined research and educational experience within academic, international, and governmental institutions, I have developed a strong foundation in these areas.

For the past four years in Finland, my research has focused on the burgeoning field of youth environmental citizenship. My work explores themes of youth political participation, eco-socialization processes, and the role of education in fostering a sustainable future. I am a firm believer in the power of education to empower young people and cultivate responsive planetary citizens.

My current research agenda prioritizes collaborative projects that address eco-literacy development in young people and the pursuit of just and sustainable futures.  I am particularly interested in utilizing participatory research methods to amplify the voices of young people in shaping youthful solutions to the environmental challenges we face.

This focus on collaboration and youth empowerment reflects my commitment to creating impactful research that informs and guides positive social change.

Avainsanat: environmental youth citizenship, everyday activism, eco-socialization, geo-social methodology, critical pedagogy


Researcher, Docent in Sociology


Independent researcher


PhD (Education)



turkanfirinci (at) gmail.com

  • Firinci Orman, T. (2024). Exploring youth eco-literacy through lived experiences. ‘When you purchase a pair of jeans, you bear the burden of child labor in South Asia.’ The Journal of Environmental Education, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.2024.2345354.
  • Firinci Orman, T. (2023). Enacting Everyday Environmental Citizenship: Youthful Interpretations of Belonging and Empowerment. Youth and Globalization, 5(2), 327-351. https://doi.org/10.1163/25895745-bja10032.

  • Firinci Orman, T., & Demiral, S. (2023). Youth environmental citizenship formation: Struggled political subjectivities and everyday experiences of young people in Turkey. Children & Society, 37: 1337–1355. https://doi.org/10.1111/chso.12778.

  • Firinci Orman, T. (2022). Youth’s everyday environmental citizenship: An analytical framework for studying interpretive agency. Childhood, 29(4), 495–511. https://doi.org/10.1177/09075682221107750.

  • Firinci Orman, T. (2022). A society-centric approach to child rights governance in the EU context: how to strengthen the political presence and participation of children? Children’s Geographies, 20(5), 633–647. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2021.1949435.

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